

15 Best Vegetables for Cold Press Juicers

Cold press juicer
15 Best Vegetables for Cold Press Juicers
Cold press juicers, also known as masticating or slow juicers, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Unlike centrifugal juicers that rapidly spin to extract juice, cold press juicers use a slow, crushing motion to gently squeeze every last drop of liquid out of fruits and vegetables.
This slower process allows them to retain more nutrients, enzymes, and vitamins that may be destroyed at high speeds and heat. The resulting juice can last longer and contains very little foam or separation.
However, not all vegetables are well-suited to cold-press juicing. Some produce contains high amounts of tough fiber that can jam the juicer. Others are composed of very little liquid to extract.
Choosing the right vegetables to run through a cold press juicer is, therefore, key to maximizing yields and creating nutritious, flavorful juice. In this article, I'll tell you 15 of the best vegetables to juice with a cold press juicer, as well as why they work so well as a juicing ingredient.